
Fetishistic Nights

2001 - Paris, Brussels, London
Fetishism is nowadays seen less as any pathology but more of a scene. The majority of participants see it as a festive and uninhibited erotic game. Those extravagant parties create a space for liberty and impunity, a theatre where one can adopt a character, forget social constraints and break out of the norm. Dress code plays an important part, levelling the playing field. Social standing, education, professional status and money count for much less. People meet on the basis of seduction and fantasies.
Of course there's always backrooms, more underground spaces... Taking pictures there is almost impossible. Unless you are extremely discreet. /.../
Personal projects
/.../ There is fetishism in every love, in the most sane and respectable couples. The question is, at which point does it become perversion ?

Sources : Isabelle Daman – Francis Dedobeleer

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