
Dignity Project – Amnesty International

2008 - India
Personal project taken into the group assignment from Amnesty International France to Oeil Public agency, for their project 'Dignity'
Odisha State (formerly known as Orissa) is a mineral basket for the country's new economy, situated at the center of the tribal belt. Local government has opened doors wide to industrial investments. But the mining activity is brutal, greedy, and pay virtually no attention to the human cost it has in its wake. Low caste and indigenous people pay the heaviest price.
« The Approach Paper for the 11th Plan could not have put this better or more explicitly: "Our practices regarding rehabilitation of those displaced from their land because of development projects are seriously deficient and are responsible for a growing perception of exclusion and marginalisation. The costs of displacement borne by our tribal population have been unduly high, and compensation has been tardy and inadequate, leading to serious unrest in many tribal regions. /.../
Personal projects
/.../ This discontent is likely to grow exponentially if the benefits from enforced land acquisition are seen accruing to private interests, or even to the state, at the cost of those displaced. To prevent even greater conflict (…) it is necessary to frame a transparent set of policy rules that address compensation, and make the affected persons beneficiaries of the projects, and to give these rules a legal format". » (Opinion - Prem Shankar Jha, Outlook magazine).

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Exhibitions / Publications
  • DIGNITY exhibition – Hotel de Ville, Paris, France, 2010 / Ensemble Conventuel des Jacobins, Toulouse, France, 2011 / Snite Museum of Arts de l’Université de Notre Dame en Indiana, Etats-Unis, 2012 / Hotel de Ville, Strasbourg, France, 2014.
  • Dignity Book by Editions Textuel, 2010.
  • Use of one image in Survival International Calendar 2015.
  • Published portfolio in La Vie Magazine, 2010.

Press coverage

France 24 – Dignité, le dernier regard de l’Œil Public. Un beau sujet pour la dernière exposition de l’Œil public, un collectif de photojournalistes engagés qui a dû déposer le bilan en janvier dernier après 15 années d’activité.
France Info – Interview de Johann Rousselot et Michael Zumstein par Claire Baudéan.
Le Figaro – Interview audio des cinq photographes de l’exposition
Photo.fr – Amnesty International et l’Oeil Public veulent la Dignité
Le Monde de la Photo – Interview de Johann Rousselot
La Vie – Des photos pour la dignité de l’homme
La Chaine Tele – Video
Elle – Expo : « Dignité droits humains et pauvreté »

RFI – Culture Vive du 26 mai 2010, par Pascal Paradou

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